You searched for: “most insufferable
insufferable (adjective), more insufferable, most insufferable
1. Pertaining to conditions or people who are too unpleasant to deal with or to accept; intolerable, and difficult to get along with: Laurie exclaimed that the persisting heat wave was insufferable and she could hardly wait for winter to come again.

Laurenda felt that her supervisor was insufferable because he was always interfering with her work without consulting or discussing it with her.

Nina said she couldn't take any more of her neighbor's insufferable arrogance of having the volume of his TV turned up so loudly almost every night after midnight.

2. Descriptive of a situation which a person finds impossible to endure: Uriah was experiencing an insufferable agony and sadness during the funeral for his wife.
Unbearable and intolerable.
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This entry is located in the following units: -able (page 22) -fer, -ferous (page 5)
Word Entries at Get Words: “most insufferable
A reference to a situation in which someone finds it very difficult to endure what is going on; referring to conditions or people who are too unpleasant to deal with or to accept. (1)